Date: 12 November 2020
Views of the landscape are one of the essential ways of visiting nature in the Green Karst destination. The best way to enjoy the top views is with a guide and we have prepared a description of some of the best locations to see breathtaking views of the picturesque landscape:
Views of the landscape are one of the essential ways of visiting nature in the Green Karst destination. The best way to enjoy the top views is with a guide and we have prepared a description of some of the best locations to see breathtaking views of the picturesque landscape:
A view of Lake Cerknica from the viewpoint near Rakov Škocjan
Lake Cerknica is the largest seasonal lake in Europe. If we want to truly experience the vastness of this impressive body of water, we need to ascend to the proper elevation. The perfect spot is the hut at the top of Slivnica (1114 m), a hill on the northern side of the Cerknica Plain. There is also a very interesting alternative which does not require any hiking. There is a brand new viewpoint at the junction of two gravel roads around Lake Cerknica and Rakov Škocjan. Here, you can sit on a bench and take in the view of the Cerknica Plain and the hills of Slivnica, Javorniki and Križna gora.
A view from the top of Snežnik
Snežnik is the highest mountain in this part of Slovenia and, in favourable weather, it offers incredible views of the Kvarner Bay, the Bay of Trieste and the Alps. The summit is easily accessible using 4 different marked trails that take you through the protected forest reserve and a UNESCO area of primeval beech forests. The trail from Leskova dolina will give you a beautiful view of the mighty Snežnik.
- Pogled s Sv. Trojice
Sveta Trojica nad Pivškimi presihajočimi jezeri je odlična lokacija za pogled na pokrajino presihajočih jezer, še posebej v jesenskem in spomladanskem času, ko so dna kraških polj običajno poplavljena. Pogled seže od Snežnika do Nanosa in Vipavske doline. Vrh je lahko dostopen po označenih poteh, med vzponom pa lahko opazujete številne posebnosti kulturne krajine in naravne posebnosti kamnite pokrajine.
View from Sv. Trojica
Sveta Trojica is a hill that rises above the seasonal lakes of Pivka and is the perfect location to get a view of the landscape dotted with seasonal lakes, especially in autumn and spring when the depressions of the karst plains are usually flooded. The view stretches from Snežnik to Nanos and the Vipava Valley. The summit is easily accessible using the marked trails and during your hike, you can observe the numerous peculiarities of the cultural and natural rocky landscape.
View of the autumn colours in Brkini
Brkini are a hilly area peculiar because of its geology – they are an isolated patch of water-resistant flysch landscape surrounded by karst limestone. Because of the abundance of water, the forests here are quite distinct and turn into countless shades of warm colours in autumn. The picturesque villages atop hilly ridges surrounded by terraces with the valley of the Reka River down below are best viewed from Prem Castle or the viewpoint on Šilentabor.
View from Anna's Rock in Mašun
Mašun is an old forest settlement in the heart of the vast Snežnik forests. This is where you will find the Mašun Forest Education Trail meandering through the most beautiful parts of the forest. Part of this trail follows the Trail of Princess Anna to Anna’s Rock, where you are treated to a surprising view of the northern slopes of Mt. Snežnik (1796 m). From here, you have a good view of a frost hollow inhabited by cold-loving coniferous trees, while beech forests inhabit higher elevations. Underneath Anna’s Rock, you will find another surprise – a real bear’s lair.